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2025 Asian Tour Schedule

Select Tour Cities From To Days Cost
Open Reservation Choose Later$235 of INSTANT Value For You!* Choose Later Choose Later $475
April 3 April 10 7 days/6 nights $3995
April 3 April 13 10 days/9 nights $4595
April 3 April 17 14 days/3 nights $5395

* Shenzhen Tour - Airport pick-up from Shenzhen or Hong Kong airport.

Shanghai China

* Shenzhen Tour - Airport pick-up from Shenzhen or Hong Kong airport.

If you are visually or hearing impaired, or have any other disability that may prevent you from completing this form, please call us at 602-539-8000. We will be happy to assist you in completing your order.

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Your Tour Includes

  • Social - One social for every city (All one city tours include 2 socials. Two city tours will include two Socials (one each city;) and three city tours will include three Socials etc.) Socials include unlimited contacts/introductions, personal interpreters hors d'oeuvres, refreshments, champagne.
  • Unlimited Introductions from our Hospitality Suite staff during tour dates with women from our database as well as new women who are not yet on the internet. Interpreters available in the Hospitality Suite from 9am to 9pm. Personal interpreters provided free of charge during the social and in the Hospitality Suite. Ongoing Hospitality Service with translators and staff to assist with any logistics, advice, or any needs you may have.
  • Hotel accommodations, including free daily breakfast and other amenities.
  • Transport from airport, hotel, & all AFA events including Socials where necessary.
  • One three-hour guided tour of the first city.
  • Hotel area and orientation walking tours of all cities.